🤯 How to Make Your Wildest Dreams Come True

Clarity is Power

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Welcome to the most important newsletter you’ll read. Ever. 👀

Today is a big day. BIG. We’ll uncover, step by step, how to make your dreams become reality, and a lot sooner than you might think.

Put your skeptic hat down for a minute, lace up some fresh, abundance kicks, and walk with me. 👟 

Michael J Fox Sneakers GIF By Back To The Future Trilogy


I was recently on a walk with a close friend. While they know their numbers and use a Profit and Loss statement, they mentioned they didn’t have clarity on their business goals for the year nor a written plan for where their business was going near-term.

The conversation reminded me of a simple tool I learned about during a group coaching session in 2017 called, “Your Future Self.”

When I got home from our walk, I went into Google Docs to pull up my Future Self so I could send my friend a blank copy to fill out.

I opened the doc and was completely stunned by what I discovered. 😳

Nearly 70% of the goals in my Future Self had been accomplished, including one just that week! 🤯

This discovery was incredible because the goals you write down in this exercise are BIG goals, not smaller, annual goals, but much larger, 3 to 5-year goals, the kind that most people take 10 or more years to accomplish. 🙌

So, what happened to the other 30%? 😅 After taking a closer look, it was clear why those specific goals weren’t met.

First, none of my business goals were accomplished as well as one or two financial goals that were directly tied to those business goals. I created my Future Self in February of 2018 and by September, I had largely stepped out of my business and into a full-time leadership role. This move completely shifted my focus away from those goals.

Second, those goals lacked an emotional connection. In other words, when I wrote them down, they felt like something I wanted or would like at the time, but there wasn’t anything truly driving me toward that result.

Each goal that was accomplished in that 5-year period had significant meaning for me, a crystal clear vision of the outcome, and a deep, emotional connection to them. I could feel what it would be like when I accomplished them and I wanted that feeling, without question. 🧭

Unfortunately, most people don’t create absolute clarity when it comes to their goals and as a result, their dreams don’t come true.

You can achieve anything with an emotional connection to your goal and laser-focused action.

Since this discovery, I’ve been reflecting a lot on how these results came to be and what it will take to achieve 100% of my goals over the next 3-5 years. I’ve boiled it down to a three-step process.


  1. Visit Your Inner Child 🧒

  2. Write It Down in Detail ✍️

  3. Relentlessly Commit 🚀

Step 1: Visit Your Inner Child 🧒

The first step is to determine what you want in life.

What you really want.

You may already know. ✅

You may think you know and yet can’t seem to get there. Huh. 🤔

You may have been ignoring it all along, perhaps feeling like it was unobtainable, unrealistic, or that your time to do that or be that has passed.

In order to make your wildest dreams a reality, you must have a clear vision and understanding of what you want and have a deep, emotional connection to the outcome. Logic makes you think. Emotion makes you act.

Let’s hop in the DeLorean for a journey back in time.

Back To The Future GIF


A journey to visit ourselves as a child. 🥺

Are you ready? Alright. Let’s go.

This journey is to discover the one thing that moves you. Your purpose. Your calling. Maybe it’s neither of those titles and it’s simply a skill that comes extremely naturally to you or an interest that you connected with deeply at a young age.

The intention here is to create that emotional connection that flows from within and drives you into action once you’ve written down your goals.

Without it, you’ll likely lack the focus and persistence to keep going when traction is slow and pushing through failure is required to achieve your dreams.

I’ve noticed a pattern that the most successful people connected to something at a young age. Maybe it was a sport when they were just a few years old, music when they were in middle school, or an important cause when they were in high school.

Sometimes, it’s not a connection, but a negative experience early on that relentlessly drives them toward what they want and away from ever having to experience that pain again.

It’s different for everyone. A defying moment that you may or may not realize was so impactful for you, and yet it continues to show up throughout your life.

Do you know what yours is? Are you already doing “your thing” or what would it take for you to bring it back to life?

How would you feel and what would your life look like when you do you at the highest level?

If you have clarity on who you are, and what gives you incredible energy and a relentless drive, you’re ready for step two. 👇

Step 2: Write It Down in Detail ✍️

Did you know that if you vividly write down your goals, you are 42% more likely to achieve them? Yet, less than 20% of people do.

Perhaps the Pareto Principle (80/20 Rule) appears once again. 👀

Writing your goals down not only helps you remember them, it causes you to focus on them more. The more focus and attention you give something, the more your unconscious mind will work to help you solve a problem or achieve an outcome for you. What you focus on, expands.

Our conscious mind is like the captain of a ship, charting and navigating our journey through life, and what we choose to focus on, and what we’re emotionally connected to, acts like instructions (directions) for what we want to achieve.

From there, our unconscious mind begins working hard in the background like a master chess player, seeing many moves ahead, to connect the dots and see opportunities that will ultimately get us where we want to go.

For comparison, our conscious mind can handle roughly 40 to 50 bits of information per second, and yet the human brain (our unconscious mind) can process 11 million bits of information per second.

This is also why it’s important to “trust your gut.” I believe your “gut” is actually your unconscious mind, giving you a nudge in the right direction based on an incredible amount of data processing and pattern recognition it has already done on your behalf to make the best decision possible.

An often missed piece here (and was for me) is to read what you’ve written down each and every day. This creates an underlying sense of urgency that drives your actions and helps you make more productive decisions along the way.

Step 3: Relentlessly Commit 🚀

Now that you’ve determined what you want in your life and have written down in crystal clear detail what you want to achieve, it’s time to take MASSIVE action towards your goals.

Here’s the good news, and what many people misunderstand.

The actions you take aren’t necessarily massive on their own. More often than not, they’re small steps, in one direction, taken consistently.

Consistent action creates momentum, which paired with consistently reviewing your ultra-specific goals will compound your efforts into MASSIVE results over time.

The key in this step is consistent action toward your commitments. Trust the process, eliminate distractions, and keep going… onward.

Remember that a commitment is much more than simply a goal. It’s an unwavering pursuit, doing everything within your power (ethically and legally, of course) to achieve that goal.

Ready to make your wildest dreams come true?

Make A Copy of this Goal Getter template in Google Docs to create your vision and get started on the journey to become your best self and live your dream life. Be sure to read it everyday!


In The Weeds 🌾

Additional resources for you to dive deeper.

Next Steps 👇

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