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- ⏱ Why Your Time to Hit Your Goals is Running Out
⏱ Why Your Time to Hit Your Goals is Running Out
Finish Strong to Start Strong

Welcome to August. ☀️
In this issue, we’ll briefly discuss how to set yourself up for a strong start to next year with a strong finish to this year.
For many businesses, it would be difficult to achieve a year’s worth of results in only nine months, and yet many service businesses end up doing just that. Learning to shift your mindset and take a different approach can yield wildly different, and more favorable results.
Unfortunately, many operators don’t lift their heads up to realize that the work they put in today, often shows up in 60-90 days. This means that their actions in the fourth quarter of each year set them up for the first quarter of the following year. By October 1st, your current year is over. If you’re in retail, this wouldn’t be the case, but we’re not, so we can’t go to the wire with some incredible Black Friday sales.
The work you put in throughout Q4 determines how strong you start the next year. Make it count.
In just a few, reasonable steps, we can make a big push to achieve the goals we set for the current year while creating massive opportunities for the next year.
Know Your Numbers 📊
Own It + Communicate It 📜
Commit 🤝
Step 1: Know Your Numbers 📊
Knowing your numbers is critical. You can’t improve what you don’t track.
Business financials can be exciting when you’re business planning in September. The feeling of a fresh start and seemingly unlimited potential is fun. Throughout the year, months, and weeks, your numbers feel more like the fun police. Boo. Hiss.
The reality is, your numbers act as a compass and a map.
The map shows you where your business is currently, and the road to where you want it to be in the near future. The compass lets you know which direction you’re headed, and helps you make adjustments along your journey to ensure you reach your desired destination. Without the use of your map and compass, you may end up doing a lot of work and experiencing little results. That certainly isn’t any fun at all.
There is a lot to keep track of when operating a business, so use a Profit & Loss statement for a weekly or monthly, detailed look into the health of your financials, and keep it simple on a daily basis. Here are the five metrics I use in my real estate business daily.
Appointments Held
Clients Signed
Units X Volume Sold
Sales Revenue
Net Profit %
Knowing how many appointments I’ve set and how many of those have resulted in a new client gives me a conversion percentage, which I can use to determine what potential gaps exist in my skills or performance.
If my conversions are strong, my business should have the revenue it requires to grow, however, if my net profit is low, I will likely need to review my expenses to ensure I’m investing back into my business appropriately and reduce any spending outside of those set limits.
Each number provides insight into your business and creates an opportunity to make a decision that can improve the health of the business.
Step 2: Own It + Communicate It 📜
Once you know where your business is financially year-to-date, and perhaps how far off the road to your destination you are, it’s imperative to honestly reflect on what actions or inaction got you to this point on the map.
You now have an opportunity to change course and go full steam ahead.
This is where many fail to seize this opportunity. Instead of being honest with themselves, they search for all of the external reasons they aren’t where they want to be. “It’s the market. It’s a recession. It’s inflation. It’s the President.”
Sure. Life shows up. Things you can’t control. AND. There are plenty of things you can control. Decisions you can make. Actions you can take. Own it. “If it’s to be, it’s up to me.” Have your five-minute funeral… and then let’s go!

You now know where you are, where you want to be, and what is required for you to arrive at your destination on time as planned. Communicate it.
Tell yourself. Tell your partner or spouse. Tell your team. Tell your accountability partner(s). Tell your friends. Everyone close to you should know where you’re going and what it will take for you to get there. Set clear expectations.
When you’re leaning in hard, have a plan to counter-balance your time and ensure you still go all-in on family, friends, and fun. You’ll need it to avoid burnout and to perform at a high level.
Step 3: Commit 🤝

Predator via GIPHY
Commit to your actions on the journey ahead. Understand that commitment is doing absolutely everything in your control to achieve your stated goal.
There isn’t room for maybes, I shoulds, and all of that other bullshit. 💩
Do it today, and do it well.
In The Weeds 🌾
Additional resources for you to dive deeper.
What is a KPI? [Monday]
10 Business Metrics to Start Tracking Now [Jobber]
Track These Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Your Small Business [Freshbooks]
The 12 Week Year: Get More Done in 12 Weeks than Others Do in 12 Months [By: Brian P. Moran and Michael Lennington]
Everyday Insights 👀
Keeping you in the know.
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