🥳 Celebrating One Year of Onward Everyday

Where I've been and where we're going

Onward Everyday

Good morning.

Today is the day! 🎂 The one-year anniversary of Onward Everyday! 🥳

Thank you for joining me on this adventure. 🙏🏻 Doing something new and wildly out of your comfort zone can be scary.

Having friends along for the ride makes a massive difference. It certainly helps keep me accountable as well. 🤝


Where I’ve Been

It’s been a year of growth, for sure.

I’ve learned a lot about digital writing, building an audience, and operating a newsletter business. I've also learned how to start, grow, and operate a YouTube business and build a digital product (education) business.

Oh, and I’ve learned a thing or two about ghostwriting for executives or entrepreneurs who want to create a personal brand and online presence to position themselves as industry authorities (LinkedIn) or create pipeline-filling lead generation systems.

I’ve also had to learn to create efficiencies (i.e., leverage) through good habits, prioritization, systems, and automation to handle the workload as a solopreneur. It’s still a work in progress, I can assure you.

In the past 52 weeks, I’ve published 46 newsletters.

This year, I’ve written and published a newsletter for 20 weeks straight as well as an essay (250-400 words) or Twitter Thread for 132 days straight.

While I’ve learned a lot, I’ve prioritized action and consistency [I’m proud of the progress I’ve made there], and there’s a lot of work to do to improve the quality of my writing and the quantity of work I publish.

Where We’re Going

Dukes Of Hazzard Television GIF


It’s time to slam the accelerator to the floor and drive a few nails through it.

I’ve learned a lot in the past year and implemented quite a bit, too.

The truth is though, I haven’t done nearly enough.

It’s clear there’s a problem. It’s me. 🙋🏻‍♂️

It’s time to get out of my own way.

Here’s my plan going forward:

  1. This newsletter will transition from a weekly how-to to a weekly journal of what I’m learning and sharing tips and tools I’m using

  2. I will build a digital-first business from $0 to $230K MRR in 5 years and share the journey publicly. More personal growth is ahead than I can stomach. I’ll need your support!

  3. I will launch my YouTube channel in Q3 2024. YouTube will become my primary focus and will drive growth to this newsletter and social

  4. I will create digital assets and videos that walk you step-by-step through the skills and strategies I’ve learned to grow personally and professionally. Consider me your personal researcher

By the way, if you think I could help you and your business using the skills and strategies I’ve learned, book a free discovery call to chat!

Thanks again for joining me on this journey. We’re just getting started. 🚀