🤩 Why Personal Brands Matter

People buy from people—learn how to use your uniqueness

Onward Everyday

Good morning.

Personal brands have evolved a lot in the past few years. While they’ve become a little more cringe-worthy than binge-worthy lately, done well and with the right intentions, they’re still a powerful growth strategy and more important than ever.

Let’s get into it.


🤩 Why Personal Brands Matter

The barrier to entry for starting a business has disappeared completely.

You only need a skill, an offer, social media accounts, and a Stripe account.

Unsurprisingly, standing out in a more competitive market is harder than ever.

The good news is, people buy from people, over well-branded companies.

People have unique lived experiences and personalities that match.

Consumers want to know the person behind the business, and the story that sets you apart from every other company working to capture their attention and business.

Your brand is more than a logo or a catchy slogan; it reflects who you are—your values, experiences, and passions.

So, why does personal branding matter more than ever now?

Genuine authenticity sells, as customers crave genuine emotional connections.

They want to know what you're selling AND who they're buying from.

Building your personal brand makes your business more relatable and trustworthy.

Perhaps more important is how a personal brand can be a massive differentiator.

Technology is advancing rapidly, and AI use in our businesses and marketing is becoming more commonplace.

Our world is becoming less human.

After years of isolation during the pandemic, we’re beginning to see people crave human connection again as our work and lives shifted to digital-first.

People Are Searching For Friends

As the pendulum returns to people wanting to connect with other humans and build meaningful relationships, creating an emotional connection by growing the founder’s personal brand will be critical to your business and brand.

Let’s dive deeper into deciding what to share and how to position your personal brand.

Embrace What Makes You Unique

Start by reflecting on what sets you apart.

Maybe you have a knack for simplifying complex systems and technology, or perhaps your journey into real estate has given you insights others don't have.

Ask yourself:

What experiences have shaped you?

What do you do differently from others in your field?

How does your story benefit your clients?

Sum up what you offer and who you serve in a straightforward sentence. Keep it free of industry jargon.

Be Strategic on Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool, but you don't have to be everywhere.

Find out where your ideal clients hang out.

Are they scrolling through Instagram, networking on LinkedIn, engaging in Facebook groups, or learning new skills on YouTube?

Pick one (maybe two) platform(s) and focus your energy there. Consistency is key.

Regular posts keep you on your audience's radar, and they’re a subtle reminder that you’re still in business and available to help them when they’re ready.

Remember, it's not just about posting—it's about engaging. Respond to comments, join conversations, and show people there's a real person behind the profile.

Share Your Knowledge and Story

[Note to self] You have valuable expertise—share it!

Start a weekly local newsletter, record videos for YouTube and Instagram, or launch a podcast. Provide tips, insights, and solutions to your clients' problems.

People connect with stories.

Share your journey, the challenges you've overcome, and the lessons you've learned. This will position you as an expert and help people relate to you personally.

Consider collaborating with others. Be a guest on a podcast or contribute to an industry publication. It's a great way to reach new audiences and build credibility.

Simplify with Systems

I get it—systems might not be the most exciting topic, but they can make your life much easier—Batch create and schedule social media posts, and use Notion or Apple Notes for checklists to streamline your workflow.

Standardize your processes.

Create email or proposal templates in Gmail so you're not always starting from scratch. This creates consistency in presenting yourself professionally and frees up time to focus on what you love.

Pay attention to what's working.

Use analytics to see which posts get the most engagement or which emails get opened. Then, adjust your approach based on what you learn.

Build and Nurture Relationships

Business is about serving people. Expand your network by attending events, joining online communities in your niche, or participating in live webinars.

Remember to follow up. This is a massive opportunity for so many businesses.

A quick message after meeting someone can make a big difference. And don't neglect your existing clients. Check-in with them quarterly or monthly, offer something valuable, and let them know you appreciate them.

What Not to Do

One thing many people get wrong about personal brands is that building one isn't about creating a persona or putting on a show—it's about inspiring and educating others to improve their lives and showing them why they should choose you as their guide.

Put your ego aside when creating your social content.

While you want to share what makes you and your business unique, it’s all about the benefit your audience will receive.

Remember, people buy from people. By sharing what makes you unique, you're not just selling a service; you're offering something no one can—you.


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