🎬 How To Be In The One Percent

5 Traits of High Performers That Differentiate Them From The Other 99%

Onward Everyday

Good morning.

Over the past ten years, I have found that the most successful people have a handful of traits that fuel their growth. While they can be a bit cliché, these traits are “secrets” hiding in plain sight.

Unfortunately, people don’t believe they have what they need to be successful.

They are looking for the easy button.

The truth is, the real easy button is momentum, and that comes after action. 🎬


  • 3 Types of Overthinking — and How to Overcome Them

  • How To Be In The One Percent

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🎬 How To Be In The One Percent

Have you ever wondered what makes some people super successful, the kind of entrepreneurs who are in that top one percent at what they do?

Well, it's not luck.

There are five big traits that set high performers apart from everyone else.

First, it’s important to note that not everyone desires to be the best of the best, and that’s great. You do you. Though, since you’re reading this newsletter, you probably are one of the best at what you do, or are on your way.

Either way, we all can learn from and incorporate these traits to make our businesses more successful and our lives more fulfilled.

“Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won't so you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t.”

Here are the five traits of high performers (the one percent) that differentiate them from the other ninety-nine percent.

Trait 1: Consistent Action

Chuck Norris Roundhouse Kick

@GritTV via GIPHY

High-performing entrepreneurs build and maintain action-based behaviors that influence their business outcomes.

They know success doesn't happen overnight.

It comes from consistent action that is aligned with their goals.

High performers overcome the need to “change things up,” to make things feel more exciting and fun. Instead, they get comfortable with repetitious boredom. Taking the most important actions day in and day out that drive their business and their life forward.

They say consistency is king, but consistent action is everything.

Trait 2: Fast Mover

Go Dark Helmet GIF


Imagine jumping out of a plane and then figuring out how to build a parachute on the way down. Sounds crazy, right?

But that's exactly how the most successful people approach their goals.

The one percent don't wait around for everything to be perfect. 

Instead, they take a leap and figure things out as they go. They make decisions quickly, knowing they won’t get everything right.

Top performers know that the sooner they start, the sooner they’ll have the feedback and insights they need to know what works and what doesn’t and make the necessary adjustments from there.

Time is of the essence when it comes to innovation and taking market share. It’s important to be the first to start and build momentum fast.

People get stuck worrying about every single problem that might pop up when they should focus on doing the work and moving forward through the challenges that actually appear.

The one percent understand that not all problems need to be solved right away. Some issues might sort themselves out, and others might not even turn into real problems at all.

The key is to move quickly and adapt as you go, tackling challenges only when they become actual obstacles.

Trait 3: Extreme Ownership

Top entrepreneurs are accountable for their actions and decisions, resulting in accelerated business growth.

They know that the buck stops with them, so ultimately, every outcome, good or bad, is their fault. They take ownership of everything instead of looking for excuses and scapegoats.

High-performing entrepreneurs have a coach to hold them accountable and surround themselves with other accountable people.

You can have reasons or results; you can't have both.

Trait 4: Laser Focused

Michael Jordan Dunk GIF By NBA


The best of the best don't try to do everything.

Instead, they focus on the things that really matter—the top 20% of their efforts that will give them 80% of their results. The few, consistent actions that lead to most of their success.

To stay on top of their game, high achievers cut out anything that distracts them from their main goals. They know what's important and give it all of their attention.

This doesn't just mean ignoring phone notifications or staying off social media. It means saying no to projects, opportunities, and even people that don't help them move closer to their biggest goals.

High performers keep their eyes focused on their one thing and don't let anything pull them off course.

Trait 5: Effective Leadership

The most successful entrepreneurs have strong leadership skills, inspiring their teams towards shared goals and steady business growth.

No one succeeds alone, and the ability for a business to grow and scale is largely dependent on the founder's willingness to develop their leadership skills. A great leader must communicate a clear vision and how each team member supports the team in achieving its goals.

The best leaders empower their people, hold them accountable, and pour into them to become the best version of themselves.

Leadership is teaching people how to think so they can do what they need to do to get what they want when they want it.

Which of these five traits have you seen in other successful people or have helped you along your journey?

Are there any others that should be on the list?


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