🤳 How To Create Content + Run Your Business

5 Steps For Busy Entrepreneurs To Create Content That Drives Growth

Onward Everyday

Good morning.

Last week, I was in Las Vegas for Keller Williams Realty’s Family Reunion with 16,000 of my closest friends and had the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to attend keynotes from Tony Robbins AND Mel Robbins.

Tony Robbins KWFR24

Each shared a different approach to taking massive action towards your goals. Tony discussed how to quickly change your State by changing your physiology and shifting your focus, and Mel walked us through her science-backed 5-4-3-2-1 move method.

Simple Not Easy Mel Robbins KWFR24

I highly recommend it if you ever have the opportunity to see them in person.


  • High-Tech Touchpoints Are Changing Customer Experience

  • How to Create Content and Run Your Business

  • Brand Storytelling: The Definitive 2024 Guide

Let’s get into it.


Everyday Insights 👀
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🤳 How to Create Content and Run Your Business

Consistent, high-quality content can elevate your brand's visibility and credibility, leading to a loyal audience and massive sales growth.

However, entrepreneurs who want to scale their businesses face the dual challenge of engaging their audience and converting engagement into sales while running their business. Every minute of their day counts.

Well, what if you could craft content that builds trust, engages your audience, and doubles your customer base within your limited time?

Impactful content marketing is achievable, even with limited time, by adopting a structured and efficient approach.

Let’s walk through how to overcome common barriers.

5 Steps For Busy Productive Entrepreneurs to Create Content That Drives Growth:

  1. Master the Art of Storytelling to Create Emotional Engagement

  2. Leverage Tools for Efficient Content Creation

  3. Utilize a Content Calendar for Strategic Planning

  4. Repurpose Content to Maximize Reach

  5. Track, Learn, and Optimize

Step 1: Master the Art of Storytelling

Start by identifying stories that embody your brand's mission and values.

Share your journey, challenges you’ve overcome, and customer successes.


  • Set the scene

  • Introduce the challenge

  • Reveal the solution and its impact

Create a story bank by listing key milestones, customer testimonials, and case studies.

Use this bank to weave narratives into your newsletter, emails, and social media content, ensuring each story aligns with your brand's value proposition.

Write content that connects emotionally, using storytelling to evoke feelings that resonate with your brand values.

Identify the primary emotion you want to evoke for each piece of content.

Use language, visuals, and storytelling techniques that amplify this emotion, making your content more relatable and memorable.

Collect and share customer success stories through interviews, case studies, and testimonials. These narratives serve as social proof, illustrating the real value of your offerings.

Implement a system for regularly collecting customer feedback and success stories. Once a month, select one compelling customer story to feature across your marketing channels, highlighting the problem solved and the benefits experienced.

Step 2: Leverage The Best Tools

Use tools like Canva for design, Grammarly for writing, and either Buffer, Hootsuite, or Sprout Social for social media management to streamline content creation and schedule posts ahead of time.

I block an hour to write 20+ tweets in Hypefury each week, so they are scheduled to post two tweets daily over the next two weeks.

Set aside a few hours each week to batch content, using these tools to ensure consistency and quality across your outputs.

Schedule a recurring 3-hour block each week dedicated to content creation.

For example, schedule time the first week of each month to record four longer videos in one session that will be published on YouTube the following month.

Send them to your video editor to edit for YouTube and cut down to repurpose on social channels such as Instagram Reels and TikTok.

Step 3: Utilize a Content Calendar

Develop a content calendar that aligns with your business goals, key industry events, and product launches.

Use tools like Plann, Notion, or Google Calendar to plan your content themes and posting schedule at least a month in advance.

Choose a day each month to plan your content calendar for the following month. Identify at least one key theme or topic for each week that aligns with your marketing objectives. Plan different content formats around these themes to ensure variety and engagement.

Step 4: Repurpose Content

Transform your high-performing content into multiple formats.

A popular newsletter issue can become a script for a YouTube video, and the high-quality audio from recording the video using a professional microphone becomes a podcast episode, allowing you to reach wider audiences without creating new content from scratch.

Analyze your content to identify the top 5% performers. Choose one piece each week to repurpose into 5-6 new formats, focusing on platforms where your audience engagement is highest.

Step 5: Track, Learn, and Optimize

Regularly analyze your content's performance using tools like Google Analytics or watching for subtle signals on social media. Identify what works and doesn't, and adjust your strategy accordingly to continuously improve your content's effectiveness.

The order of metrics you should pay attention to is Views > Likes > Saves > Shares (Retweets).

Even with a small audience, each Like or Share signals that you should lean into that topic or type of content.

Too many people dismiss small metrics because they’re used to seeing massive numbers on celebrity posts. Don’t!

If you “only” got 70 views of a post, think about 70 people in a room watching you speak.

That’s a lot of people! This is how you have to think about it.

Got one Like a post today and two on a post the next day?

That’s 100% growth in engagement!

Set up monthly review sessions to analyze content performance metrics.

Focus on engagement rates, conversion metrics, and audience growth to inform your content strategy adjustments, ensuring each piece of content is more effective than the last.

Remember, success in content marketing is about being strategic, efficient, and constantly willing to learn and adapt.

Creating content consistently is all about creating in batches.

Just like an assembly line.

Plan and create your content for the following month (or more) and schedule it. Then review the performance and plan the next month’s content.

That’s how you create great content and remain focused on operating your business.


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