📢 How to Write Ad Copy That Converts

Set more appointments for the lowest cost per lead

Onward Everyday

Good morning.

St. Patrick’s Day is just around the corner, and today, we’re diving into how to fill your sales funnel with low-cost leads so your business doesn’t have to rely on luck. 🍀

May your operating account and war chest be filled like pots of gold. 💰


  • Don’t Underestimate the Power of Small Breaks During a Busy Workday

  • How to Write Ad Copy That Converts

  • Optimize Ad Campaigns Through A/B Testing

Let’s get into it.


📢 How to Write Ad Copy That Converts

Creating and executing paid ads on social platforms, specifically Facebook, is one of the most misunderstood ways to grow your business.

It’s challenging enough to relearn how to use Meta’s Business Manager every other day when Meta updates the interface… again.

Then, you have to figure out what type of ad to run and what you will say to attract potential customers.

I mean, Is anyone even using Facebook anymore? 🤔

Yes. 2.064 billion people still use Facebook every day.

Perfect! Let’s walk through how to write effective ad copy that captures attention, converts readers into leads, and drives down your cost per lead.

Crafting ad copy that converts is an art form.

It's about weaving words so they connect emotionally, offer solutions, and compel action—all within a split second before someone scrolls past your ad.

Unfortunately, many small business owners struggle with writing effective ad copy. Often, they focus too much on themselves and the features of their services. They forget that their ads should be about how their potential customers will benefit from working with their business.

Compelling ad copy is your digital salesperson, working around the clock to capture attention and convert to leads.

To help you transform your ads, let's explore the strategies that produce high-converting copy for Facebook Ads.


  • Craft A Scroll-Stopping Hook: Begin with a statement that grabs attention and speaks directly to the heart of your audience's problem or desire

  • State Your Value Proposition: Immediately follow with how your offering solves their problem with ease

  • Make It Personal: Use language that speaks directly to your readers, making them feel understood

  • Call to Action: Close with a clear, compelling call to action that leaves no doubt about what they should do next

Step 1: Grab Attention with Your Opening Line

Your first sentence needs to stop them in their tracks.

Pose a provocative question, present a relatable problem, or make a bold promise that resonates with your audience’s core needs and desires.

Instead of saying, "Our scheduling software is top-rated," try, "Ever wondered how you could save 10 hours a week scheduling appointments?"

When it comes to Facebook Ads, the copy in the image is just as important as the copy in the ad (post) itself. The image text should make up less than 20% of the image, but it plays a 50% role in capturing attention.

The image text and primary text should complement each other and work together to hook your potential customers.

Step 2: Spell Out the Benefits Clearly

Quickly pivot to how your service uniquely solves their issue.

Highlight the immediate benefits they'll experience, focusing on outcomes rather than features.

"Our intuitive platform automates your scheduling, letting you focus on what really matters—growing your business."

Step 3: Use Relatable, Persuasive Language

Write as if you're speaking directly to them.

Use "you" and "your" to make your message personal and relatable. This builds a connection and increases the likelihood of engagement.

As the example above shows, Calendly immediately connects with its target audience by stating, "Your time is valuable."

Step 4: Incorporate a Clear, Actionable CTA

This step requires a little handholding. People need clear instructions.

Close with a clear call to action that tells them exactly what to do next.

What is the step you want them to take if they are interested?

This is why using “Sign Up,” “Learn More,” or “Book Now” is critical.

Calendly uses the headline "Discover Calendly Workflows,” followed by their description, “Increase show rates and decrease busywork by automating routine communications," and closes with the Learn More CTA (Call-To-Action) button.

Pro Tip: Meta research has shown that the “Learn More” CTA button converts the highest.

Follow this framework, and you will craft copy that attracts attention, persuades, and converts.

The average Cost Per Lead (CPL) when running Facebook Ads is between $5 and $7 per lead. Over the past five years, I’ve used this framework to consistently generate leads for less than $2.58 per lead on average!

Remember, your ad copy initiates a conversation by sharing how you can solve their problem better than anyone else.

You're not just selling a service but offering a better life.


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